Corey Quinn

How Google Cloud and AWS Approach Customer Carbon Emissions

By Corey Quinn

Google Cloud and AWS created very different customer carbon footprint tools. Only one indicates a thoughtful approach to the climate story around cloud usage.

Amazon SageMaker Is Responsible for My Surprise Bill

By Corey Quinn

Getting an AWS surprise bill for Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a strange and concerning occurrence for The Duckbill Group’s Chief Cloud Economist.

An Unexpected Love Letter to Azure

By Corey Quinn

Azure’s Computer Vision can generate alt text in a sophisticated way that’s a game-changer for making accessibility and inclusivity frictionless.

I Was Wrong: Why AWS Can’t End the re:Invent Service Release Tidal Wave

By Corey Quinn

The frenzy of AWS product releases around re:Invent is terrible for its users. But upending AWS’s cultural cornerstones would be even worse for customers.

Azure’s Security Vulnerabilities Are Out of Control

By Corey Quinn

Azure’s multiple security vulnerabilities are highly concerning, for both customer data and the cloud’s reputation. It’s time we put public pressure on Azure.

Personal Security Posture: How I Keep My Cybersecurity Game Strong

By Corey Quinn

Figuring out a strong personal security posture can be overwhelming. Corey Quinn reviews his personal InfoSec approach for humans with “normal” security risks.

The ChatOps Issue That No One’s Chatting About

By Corey Quinn

ChatOps widens your company’s security perimeter in ways that we need to publicly discuss. If your business uses Slack with AWS Chatbot, I’m talking to you.

9 Ways AWS Made Me Headdesk When Using the CDK

By Corey Quinn

For all that AWS talks about its global infrastructure regions, attempting to deploy my application to every region with AWS CDK was a Bad Idea.

Should You Take a Job at AWS?

By Corey Quinn

“Should I accept a job offer at AWS?” The answer isn’t straightforward, so here are the things you’ll want to consider before you take a job at Amazon.

The Strange, Too-Familiar Tale of ‘Uncle Suitcase’

By Corey Quinn

Amazon Cognito is the AWS service that boasts about all it can accomplish — but without the substance to back up its claims.

The Aurora Serverless Road Not Taken

By Corey Quinn

Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 review: The AWS service’s April 2022 launch fails to fulfill the promises of serverless and of a second version product.