It’s Extremely Likely You Should Not Use GovCloud
AWS GovCloud is a service that you likely shouldn’t use for your workload over the standard commercial AWS regions. But don’t take my word for it — take AWS’s.
us-west-1: The Flagship AWS Region That Isn’t
For a flagship AWS region based in Northern California, us-west-1 gets way less use than you’d expect. Here’s my best guess as to why.
FTC Request, Answered: How Cloud Providers Do Business
Chief Cloud Economist Corey Quinn answers the Federal Trade Commission’s Request for Information about the business practices of cloud computing providers.
17 Final Ways to Run Containers
I originally had a throwaway joke on Twitter that became an article: 17 Ways to Run Containers on AWS. That was all well and good, and because I don’t know when to leave well enough alone, a few months later I wrote 17 More Ways to Run Containers on AWS. And now, since I don’t know when to leave well enough alone and stop beating the greasy smear on the sidewalk where the horse used to be, I want to introduce the third article in this series.
A Hidden Serverless Peril
“Serverless” has become a catch-all term that’s been watered down enthusiastically, particularly by AWS offerings that look an awful lot like “serverfull” products to most of its customers, so let me clarify what I mean here.
9 Things I Love About AWS
People sometimes ask me why I’m so hard on AWS. Honestly, it’s because I love what AWS does and want to see it succeed! There’s quite a lot the business does well, so this week, I’d like to tell you my nine favorite things about AWS. If you work there, please don’t think that your […]
Why AWS Might Be the Next Backbone Provider
Amazon EC2 instances are the lifeblood for most AWS customers, but they’re treated as passé internet infrastructure. Let’s talk about them.
LocalStack: Why Local Development for Cloud Workloads Makes Sense
LocalStack 2.0 emulates AWS APIs and their responses for local development. In some cases, the benefits outweigh the silliness of mocking cloud services locally.
S3 as an Eternal Service
AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr obviously needs no introduction to anyone even tangentially aware of what AWS is–but did you know that he’s also a philosopher? I recently got to chatting with him about The Future®, and he said something that caught me completely off guard: I sometimes think about the fact that Amazon S3 […]
AWS’s Anti-Competitive Move Hidden in Plain Sight
Folks have been making noises for a while that Amazon is anti-competitive in a variety of ways. I don’t disagree with the overall sentiment, but there’s one particular aspect of how AWS advantages its own offerings that I don’t see folks talking about–and strikes me as particularly egregious.
AWS is Asleep at the Lambda Wheel
Countless volumes have been written about the various benefits of serverless, a task made even easier by it being such a squishy, nebulous term that’s come to mean basically whatever the author wants it to mean. This has been a boon for AWS’s product teams, who’ve gone from creating services that are clearly serverless such as DynamoDB, Route 53, IAM, and others to instead slapping the “serverless” moniker on things that are clearly not very serverless at all, like OpenSearch and Aurora.
Amazon’s Snowball Edge Frustrates This User
A friend who happens to work at AWS recently had reason to send me about 500 GB of data. This friend is a business user. Now, say what you want about AWS’s hiring practices, they certainly don’t hire people who aren’t intelligent. This intelligent person made the very reasonable determination that the best solution they had available to send me that half terabyte of data was to mail me a hard drive.