Devreloping: The Duckbill Guide on Marketing to Developers

Looking for top-of-funnel activities to put your brand, product, and—most importantly—ideas in front of your technical audience?

In Devreloping: The Duckbill Guide on Marketing to Developers, you’ll learn how you and your organization can better reach developers with your product in a way that makes developers interested and engaged, not skeptical or annoyed.

You’ll benefit from our insights learned running two popular cloud podcasts aimed at technical people and our email newsletter which reaches over 20,000 engineers, managers, and others, including:

  • The best way to endear yourself to a developer (hint: be of genuine help!)
  • Why your audience isn’t ‘any developer anywhere’ (and who you should be targeting instead)
  • How sponsorship is more ‘targeted publicity’ instead of ‘direct-response marketing’ and how frequency helps create awareness, developer champions, and leads

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Developing: The Duckbill Guide on Marketing to Developers

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